Demonizing cigarettes – is it about our health? Whose health?
I am a 40 year old smoker sociologist. The age implies that I grew up in a time where smoking was allowed everywhere and it…
The Satanic Verses… a book that I finished reading recently. Once the book was finished, I felt the need to write about both the book…
I am mad as hell… Anger as a natural emotion that needs to be honored and expressed (in Greek)
This post was inspired by real life events and by the following articles and movies. It hasn’t been translated in English yet, but until it…
Terrorism and our lost values… a comment on the recent news from Turkey
It is unbelievable! These days terrorist attacks are common events. In the East the war never ends. On the other hand the West sleeps in…
If it’s really 2016, why does it feel like we are moving backwards? A big WHY about Orlando
The shock was huge. I never expected in the year 2016 to turn on my TV and watch all this senseless terror. I personally don’t…
What defines Dutch cycling? Why is cycling so popular in the Netherlands? (Video)
This video perfectly captures why Dutch cycling is so… unique! Cycling is similar all over the world… or is it? Even in utility cycling…
Carnival is here… literally and metaphorically!
Carnival arrived and it’s already finished in the south of the Netherlands. What a mess, what a panic, how much alcohol… I was impressed by…
Do we need to learn Dutch?
Most expats are wondering whether they should learn Dutch before they move to The Netherlands. It is true that in some cases it is vital…
We are all immigrants (in Greek)
Δυστυχώς, οι τραγωδίες με πρωταγιστές μετανάστες ανοιχτά του Αιγαίου, αυξάνονται μέρα με τη μέρα. Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι έχουν χαθεί στο πέλαγος στην προσπάθειά τους ν᾽αποκτήσουν μία…