New Year begins with ‘Master of Weird’ David Lynch at Kriterion, Amsterdam

Over the course of his more than 40 year career, David Lynch has secured his place as one of the most creative and fascinating film artists of our time, conjuring up some of the most beautiful, disturbing and head-scratching moments ever seen on screen.

Kriterion in Amsterdam is proud to present all ten of the director’s feature films in a two-part series guaranteed to be “wild at heart and weird on top.” Every Monday in January 2015.


Maandag 4 januari: Blue Velvet (35 mm)

Maandag 11 januari: Lost Highway

Maandag 18 januari: Inland Empire

Maandag 25 januari: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me


From his early experimental shorts of the 1960s through his most recent feature film, Inland Empire (2006), Lynch has boldly reshaped the boundaries of cinematic storytelling, in the process creating a highly-distinctive, immediately-recognizable signature body of work (rare is the director whose name alone can call forth such specific and evocative images out of the movie ether as does Lynch’s) that has continually enthralled, mystified and provoked viewers.

Blazing onto the movie landscape with his debut feature film Eraserhead in 1977, Lynch firmly established himself as one of the most original and unpredictable directors at work in contemporary cinema, and over the course of his career (which also incorporates painting, photography, sculpture and music) he has artfully explored a personal vision that embraces the thrilling mysteries of the subconscious and the pleasure in giving oneself over to the cinematic experience of “another world.” Beautiful, absurd, hilarious and unsettling, the films of David Lynch are one-of-a-kind.

Kriterion webiste



Twin Peaks teaser trailer: ‘It’s like being in a moving painting’

While we are waiting for the return of Twin Peaks on TV in 2017, we can watch again some of his masterpieces on Kriterion. For those who can not wait though, here is the first trailer for David Lynch’s hotly anticipated TV show that contains his signature mix of beauty and menace.